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Topics - Sasquatch

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
Everything and Anything / Tell me guys your names in Xfire so...
« on: February 20, 2010, 01:47:01 pm »
Hello i need more friends on xfire so if u all can tell me your names in xfire so i should add u or u add me,ok?.My name in xfire is cfox8. :blink: [THUP]

Everything and Anything / Cfox need Walpaper
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:03:24 am »
Ok guys i need my walpaper almost everyone have it so i want to have it too.If Riki thinks that he is a realy good at makeing it so will ask him to make my one if its not a problem. [THUP]

Other Problems / FPS 10 wtf
« on: February 14, 2010, 01:12:19 pm »
Ok guys my game is runing slowly idk why my fps is like 10-13.Can anyone tell me what to do.

Everything and Anything / Cfox is leaveing for ever.
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:05:40 am »
Hello all of you there:admin,my good friends,best friend and etc.As u can see im leaveing for ever this server,but im in contact with some of you on xfire,well i will come to server for some whiles.I gave al my money to twilight and sell my house to Babanu.This will be my last post maybe,idk.Well thanx to all of you,for this server i had a much fun on it,and i will never forget this server and i will never forget u guys.Im gonna miss all of you guys.
Bye for now.

The End.

By Foxy.

Bye topic. By Cfox609

Ban Appeal. / Cfox's reappled ban appeal-14.2.2010
« on: February 14, 2010, 01:34:10 am »
Admin That Banned You:Nka,Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin:Flame,Evade
Are You Sorry:Yes,realy sorry
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes,Always,and i swear i will never brake them again.
Extra Info:Ok i was reappled my ban appeal on same date wich Nka said.As u can see i didnt evade anymore.
I was think about what did i done and i was find out that i was just a stupid idiot.I just want to make a peace with Jay and Sniffs and to tell them that im so sorry for flameing on then and it wont happen again.
Can u plss unban me now.And have a good valentines day  <_<.

By Foxy

Other Problems / cant play SAMP Anymore
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:27:42 am »
Ok guys i think i couldnt play samp anymore idk how much weeks but i think im gonna fix this prob soon.
Well my ping is now like about 200-1000 and it lags like a hell and i always when i play on one server i get message ''Server didnt respond.Retrying'' :angry:And well im gonna change my windows and get new internet.:(

Everything and Anything / What means reapple
« on: February 02, 2010, 06:01:25 am »
Ok i have some questions
Qestion 1:What means reapple ban appeal:i was banned for flameing and Nka said that i may reapple at 14th february 2010.
Question 2:Do i have to reapple my ban appel in Ban Apeal on this forum and do i have to make it in same format??
Pls answer me cuz im scared cuz if i reapple it im scared that i was maked wrong reapple.Pls answer it.

Ban Appeal. / Mine ban appeal
« on: January 31, 2010, 12:04:39 pm »
In game name:Cfox609
Admin that banned you:Stumpy
Reason Given by Admin:Ban Evade?
Are u sorry:realy sorry
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes always
Extra Info:ban eade?I was banned.Any way im sorry for anything i done.I think u banned my for flameing Jay and Sniffs.Im really sorry and i swear it will never happen again.It was just a stupid language joke.Soryy for everything.

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