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Your ingame name:[SFFD]idontwannaname
Rule breaker ingame name:GZA.wuclan, or veriants of
Reason for reporting:Ban evade, for the..1000ths time

The reason fo rme asking him to talk is to get his name on the screenshot, since you cant screenshoot tab. This photo was taken a few minutes ago, while I was trying out my sexy new ambulance skin.

Seriously someone just mac ban him or something.


--- Quote from: Flippa on December 05, 2010, 08:55:22 pm ---Seriously someone just mac ban him or something.

--- End quote ---

Seriously, this guy has been banned more then anyone I know. And since his first account was locked, he keeps changing names, and it's funny, cause he only uses verients of the original. He's just so easy to catch.


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