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Author Topic: World of Stunting FAQ  (Read 20382 times)

Offline Streammys

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World of Stunting FAQ
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:25:01 pm »
Those are only common questions, especially made for the very newest players

I can't connect to World of Stunt. How do I fix this?
      Be sure that you have SAMP 0.3a and the good IP adress.
      You can fill in as IP adres: "" (without the quote's of course)
I'm running GTA SA when I try to connect to World of Stunt. How do I fix this?
      If it happens sometimes then it's not a problem as it does that on occasion.
      If it's happening all the time and making it impossible to play SA-MP you need to make sure your GTA SA is version 1.0 and that
      SA-MP is installed in your GTA SA folder.
      Thanks to Stumpy
I've been banned, and I want to get an unban, where do i do that?
      Before you post a ban appeal, read this accurate.
      After you've done that, you may post your ban appeal here
      Remember to post it in this format:
      Admin That Banned You:
      Reason Given By Admin:
      Are You Sorry:
      Will you read and accept /rules?:
      Extra Info:
I've seen a hacker, but there were no admins online at that time, how should I report?
      Of course remember the name, and if its possible, gather some proof (like video's, screenshots) where you see him CLEARLY
      Then you should report him to a admin by Forum PM or any other way you can talk to admin
I've found a bug, Where and how should I report it?
      First think about the bug, if it can be abused or not. (Like you found a bug where you can get unlimited euros, it can be abused,
      or something like you're gang is bugged, then it can't get abused)
      If it can be abused, PM an admin (admino/Nka19) with all the info you got.
      If it can't be abused, you just can post a topic in this section with all the info you got. Also you can still pm a admin the info.
I want to change my name, but I don't know how.
      For changing your name, visit this topic, its with pictures.

You may post here small questions too, an administrator or helpfull player will try to answer it then.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 02:06:30 pm by Streammys »