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Author Topic: Someone hacking... too hard  (Read 1974 times)

Offline [WoS]Stewie

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Someone hacking... too hard
« on: September 13, 2009, 11:21:08 pm »
okay so i was on and a player called NeSSaR starting hacking. He was asked to stop, he stopped but continued hacking. Hamtetutu was on and wwe watched him spawn cars, it wasnt any spawning cars it wasnt using /v command because it was unlimited. Hamtetutu says it is hcar calling. then after a while he started carjacking me when i was at /drift and he was far away from me, he then got jailed by creativegta for 7000 seconds then he somehow unjailed himself then creativegta jailed him for 9000 seconds i think then he started to spam without the Bot kicking him and i crashed from the spam.

Offline creativegta

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Re: Someone hacking... too hard
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 02:22:48 am »
okay so i was on and a player called NeSSaR starting hacking. He was asked to stop, he stopped but continued hacking. Hamtetutu was on and wwe watched him spawn cars, it wasnt any spawning cars it wasnt using /v command because it was unlimited. Hamtetutu says it is hcar calling. then after a while he started carjacking me when i was at /drift and he was far away from me, he then got jailed by creativegta for 7000 seconds then he somehow unjailed himself then creativegta jailed him for 9000 seconds i think then he started to spam without the Bot kicking him and i crashed from the spam.

Yes, I had also Muted and forced him to use lower case letters but that seemed to not work, Surprisingly SpamBot did not ban him unless it had been removed by admino. Well, Hopefully he is gone now.