Ok honostly, im really sick of this, ive gone over and over and over again, re-installed like 8 times, did everything right, and wtf -.- i DLed GTA SA, and i tryed playing it, ok it worked the first time, then i installed SA-MP to the folder, mmk it froze at the vinewood screen and so did my comp, ok so i restarted the comp, and tryed it again, same thing happend, i asked a friend, i forgot to downgrade, BUT it is already V1, so wtf is up? its an "unknown type" so i kept searching on the net for maybe...idk like 4 hours, and i couldnt find anything to help me with this, then i re-installed for the last time, and it fcking told me that it's getting errors?? i cant start GTA up, or SA-MP...why? i have fixed the problem therefore is no longer an issue