Hello Sachy,
Thank you for your report.
We will investigate this matter and come to a conclusion shortly.
Ok, we have determind that the action taken against you was indeed correct when you were muted originally:
[23:17:30] [chat] [Sachy]: noob
[23:17:32] [chat] [Sachy]: noob
[23:17:33] [chat] [Sachy]: noob
Also you said
[23:22:25] [chat] [Sachy]: -.-'' you put a plane whit guns , for people shot it jsut to you jail them for fun
This is clearly a false accusation, the planes are there for you to fly, not to kill people with, this is clearly stated in the rules and Terms of Service, you may
not play on World of Stunting without following these. However the administrator in question was now demoted for the following comments:
[23:22:04] [chat] [Lwood262]: noob 
[23:22:52] [chat] [Lwood262]: look tard read the /rules not my fualt you grabed a hunter and started shooting with it
[23:24:18] [chat] [Lwood262]: your welcome to bitcxh about getting jail for dming there 
[23:25:39] [chat] [Lwood262]: Wah one of your admins jailed me for dming
[23:25:50] [chat] [Lwood262]: when i started bitching about it he muted me
[23:25:57] [chat] [Lwood262]: WAH!!!
We assure you that this type of behavior from administrators is not accepted, the administrator will be demoted for further investigation.
However you are also at wrong for deathmatching, flaming and spamming. You may not do this, please in future read the Terms of Service and the rules before playing on World of Stunting services.
Thank you.