Support > Other Problems

Any tutorials??? i searched everywhere but didnt find it

<< < (2/2)

OMG, if it's a Dell, then call Dell, ffs.  Isn't that why anyone would buy one? Not that that's a good thing, mind you.

Hope this has been... helpful, as well as entertaining... shows at 4:20, 7 and 9pm... :)

Woof woof,


Oh, and btw, what does this have to do with SA-MP\WoS? Your topic should be in another thread, like support.... off topic, even.

Lol, I have the same computer :P

You wanna open it? Just slide the left side, and then pull.


--- Quote from: Ron_Dogg on May 20, 2011, 07:53:19 pm ---OMG, if it's a Dell, then call Dell, ffs.  Isn't that why anyone would buy one? Not that that's a good thing, mind you.

Hope this has been... helpful, as well as entertaining... shows at 4:20, 7 and 9pm... :)

Woof woof,


Oh, and btw, what does this have to do with SA-MP\WoS? Your topic should be in another thread, like support.... off topic, even.

--- End quote ---
That was Hiiilarious!


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