Download TXD Workshop (use google for that.. ), then open it , click on "Open IMG" then navigate to gta3.img ( normally in GTA San Andreas folder/models ) open it. Then for example lets say you want to change your NRG-500 look, As you see in TXD Workshop on the left side are files and files and more files .. so scroll down until you see nrg500.txd , click on it and you see 4 files open: brakes, body , metal and decals files. Second file is the body template , so what you do now is click on the body file , click on Export , click on PNG , navigate to whereever you want it to be exported and click open. Then open your picture editing program (Paint , Photoshop , Photofiltre .. whatever it is) and start to mod it ..
Also use Google and YouTube for better and simplier tutorials.