Well, I guess I might as well add my piece to an introduction that may give some insight as to who I am. At the risk of whatever, here goes:
I've always been a gamer, since way back when the first Nintendo was out. I live along the the St. Lawrence River in Ontario, Canada but I have travelled to many places in the world and hope to see more before the great white light takes this mortal soul on it's next journey....
Ok, enough of the blather!
My son and I love playing on the WoS server. He's 15 (so now you probably suspect that I am over 30 and you are correct. I hope that I don't have to remind anyone that GTA:SA is recommended as a MATURE game, ie: over 18) and we enjoy the gameplay that GTA:SA provides and were happy when SA:MP came along. We discovered that WoS was the best server going and that the fun was unending. Hence, this is a site that we can connect and have fun together (he lives with his mom 100km away from me. When he comes here on weekends, he has his own computer I built him for in his room. Lots of shouting "where are you now" and "I'll kick your ass in that drift" going on in the house.)
I can imagine that my age might give some of you a reason to dismiss me and all the more to you. I see tons of young players on the servers that can't quite comprehend that someone over 30 would be playing an online game like this and I've been called all kinds of names.I rarely give much info about myself for this reason alone. My response remains the same: how old do you think the guys who gave this game LIFE were? Certainly not 13!!!! So, there ya go! And, NO, I'm not a perv and looking for young whatevers...etc. "Fuck you if you label me when you don't even know me", is my philosophy. I do confess that I have never really grown up, but, hey, life IS short and I've witnessed lots of shit that I wish I would have known earlier, but such is life.
I work hard, and I enjoy the free time that I allow myself and I spend some of it playing WoS because it's a good place to go for stress relief and most everyone is friendly and courteous. Mostly.
And if you are still indoubt, talk to me in 20 years and I guarantee that you won't be of the same mind you are today. I just wish that those that are older than 18 fess up to the fact that GTA is one of the best free roam games around and preceeds gaming to come. Just like in "Star Trek: The Next Generation", holodecks are on their way. I shit you not. Google it!!
Before this new era in gaming, I played side-scolling games that were so pixelated that, by todays standards, looked like what pong looked like compared to the first Duke Nuke'm game. (for those who are really confused at this stage, remember that we didn't always have "google" or "You-Tube"....lol.)
I think that this is probably more information than I need to give, but my way of thinking is: if you don't learn at least one new thing everyday you should check for a pulse 'cause you might just be dead!
And as Josh so eliquently put it today, when he said hello long_blog, I do have a tendency to ramble on. (see an early reference on this forum to my ban-lift request last june for further confirmation. Even JaT said he "read most of it"...lol).
Again, I know all of you here were probably not expecting such a post as this one, but, none-the-less, here it is.
Deal with it!!