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Author Topic: Charles Manson is the king !  (Read 36319 times)

Offline Ron_Dogg

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Re: Charles Manson is the king !
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2011, 07:09:30 am »
Dude, the last thing i considered this thread as was an argument. We both produced our own evidence of the case and tried to convince each other of our point of view. I consider that a healthy debate and you have shown me a side that i may not have considered otherwise. If we can walk away from this with the knowledge that we can agree to disagree, but have taken the other persons points as something to consider, then we are both getting something positive from this and it's not a  waste of time.

I've enjoyed our debate and by no means think any less of you because of it; in fact it has been a very thought-provoking exercise and without name-calling and all the other bullshit that most people feel free to engage in when making a post on a forum. This is how things can be accomplished without any bad feelings occurring.

And, lastly, there are never any losers when a debate such as this happens. I don't feel i won, and I feel confident in the evidence that I've presented, as I'm sure you feel that you've done the same.

Again, thanks for being assertive in your position and presenting your material without resorting to what most people do on the internet; squabbling and flaming and missing the point. Yours was mature, articulate and with acceptance of others input.


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Offline BioclocK

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Re: Charles Manson is the king !
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2011, 07:18:04 pm »
Typically if I have a legitimate point to prove I try to do so in the most responsible and intelligent way I can; I feel like when a conversation turns to insults and the like that it no longer has merit. At any rate, I'm glad there are no hard feelings.

Was Phandangle.