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[CS:S] World of GunGame Deathmatch Guide

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World of GunGame Deathmatch
If you play Counter Strike: Source, you can now join our 24/7 GunGame Deathmatch server, the name of the server and IP address are displayed below. We are looking for mature responsible administrators to start administration of our new Counter Strike: Source server.


Name: World of GunGame Deathmatch
Join: Click to join



* No flaming
* No hacking
* No exploiting


Commands are typed into chat in-game, for example "rank", this will display your rank. A list of commands is available below.

* "rank" - Shows your rank based on Kill/Death points
* "!rank" - Shows your rank based on wins
* "!givegun" - Gives you the gun for your level in-case you got the wrong one


The objective of this server is simple. It is a GunGame with the Deathmatch addon, so I will now explain what this means.

The Deathmatch addon simply means that you will respawn instantly and not have to wait for the next round.

The GunGame addon is the core gameplay element to this type of server. You start off at level 1, and the end level is 24. To get up a level, you must kill someone with the gun of the level you are on. Each time you gain a level, you will get a newer weapon. The last level which is to kill someone with a knife is considered the hardest level to finish, thus being the last.

Extreme Turbo mode is enabled, this means that when you kill someone, you will immediately swap to the new weapon for your new level instead of waiting until death, also if you are knifed by someone, you will drop a level.

Triple Turbo is also enabled, this means that if you get 3 kills in a row without death, you will gain a massive jump and also be able to travel extremely quickly for a temporary time. Someone who is in Triple Turbo mode is noticable by sparks coming from their feet, and when someone goes into Triple Turbo, it will play a sound so you know immediately someone has done so.

Finally, the server also has quake sounds enabled, which means you will hear sounds based on specific critera which is matched, someone being knifed for instance will trigger the sound "humiliation", and someone getting many many kills in a row will trigger the sound "HOLY SHIT!!".

Thanks for reading the guide on our Counter Strike: Source server, hope this explains enough for you and I hope to hear your suggestions/feedback.

CS:S is only $20 here in town now so I might pick it up some time.

Ill try to steam it, or see if I can get a good deal. I've played it, its really good.

I should start playing on it some more, on the couple of times that i've been on i've had fun :P

I'll be getting a new PC at Xmas, so I will play it then ^^


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