"OMG MODDER" "GRAV HAX" "NOOB old stunt!!!!" "i've landed this like 5000000000000000 times" "you suck". Very true, i do agree with stumpy, yet i also agree with Zealous, for his reasons he merely just wants a challenge, and that fun back, for him the "Fun" is the competition, and saying "ah man, good job on that one, lets do it again?". This is his fun, Our fun, or at least My fun would be hanging out with my friends on Wos and just being myself, and stunting and finding spots that I'VE never seen before, i don't care if it has been landed before, as if i land it, than i can say I've landed it, if not than i'll keep trying untill i do. my fun never ends because criticism has gotten very, VERY old.