World of Stunting

World of Stunting => General => Topic started by: Sounder on July 21, 2008, 08:54:45 am

Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Sounder on July 21, 2008, 08:54:45 am
Hello fellow players and administrators at world of stunting,

As everybody knows, WoS is gained great popularity over the last months, and is now one of the most popular SA-MP Servers online this time. With the great numbers joining, and the admins playing I noticed that simple misbehaviors get punished much harsher. I remember back in the days when someone simply spammed he got muted, warned and later maybe gicked, or unmuted.. Now it's just simply /ban and hoping to never hear from him again..

I got in a small discussion with Mike from California, USA and asked me why we all responded so harshly, and that's why im typing this to make this clear for everybody.. We need to take harsher punishesments because everyday there are thousands of abusers in the server, and we simply can't first warn, then kick, when coming back ask to stop and maybe he'll stop.. We cant make that effort because it takes too much time, keeping in mind that we like to keep the server tidy for other players..

Hope this topic cleared up some stuff for some of our members, and hoping that everyone agrees I'd like to hear your opinion about this.. Are we reacting too loudly to small misbehaviors? Or you also think this is needed? Let us hear your voice


Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: JaTochNietDan on July 21, 2008, 09:00:46 am
There is no point in listening to 90% of people's voices, they think they know whats best but they have never run a server, never had to control over a 1000 people daily. They just think that by chance they know how to run the server perfectly and get to critisize the way we run it cause they are big fucking know it all. People like that don't deserve an opinion on the situation because they simply don't understand anything about the fucking situation. The only people that we should here voices from are the ones that have run extremely popular servers for months/years on end. And I guarentee you that most of those kinds of people will agree that harsh punishment for rule breaking is necessary when 90% of our players are non-dedicated n00bs who are usually repeating offenders using different names, which I have already confirmed by the majourity of IP's that join the server.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Standards on July 21, 2008, 10:25:43 am
I use /ban a lot to set an example for other people. But in the past few days i have noticed a lot of idiots bringing spam bots and spawning bots in general into the server. Mostly at late night early morning for you fellas in Europe. I have no clue who these people are and I don't understand what their motive is. Revenge from being previously kicked or banned? Or someone from another crap server taking out their anger of their failure server on a very popular server. So basically I am tired of this shit where's the Advil.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: SadistikKlown on July 21, 2008, 12:36:20 pm
It does get extremely annoying when you have to work with tons of spammers/hackers/flamers. I used to just /kick but I use /ban alot more now...
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Standards on July 22, 2008, 06:55:37 am
Quote from: Redemption
Same with me,i use /ban alot more because it seems that over the time that i have played WoS there has been 300+ more hacker/flamer/spammers/botter idiots who think they can get away with everything and anything

And then they act stupid when you catch them. Or they can't talk English...So pretty much inquiring that we're stupid...
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Ocean on July 22, 2008, 11:52:21 am
Back when I was a admin that was considered abuse, lol.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: JaTochNietDan on July 22, 2008, 11:55:56 am
Quote from: Ocean
Back when I was a admin that was considered abuse, lol.
Unfortunatly this situation was never considered abuse, use of certain now restricted commands was considered abuse unfortunatly for this time.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Ocean on July 22, 2008, 12:19:50 pm
Like /slap and /kill?
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Oddisy on July 22, 2008, 12:21:12 pm
Slap still works, i believe.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: JaTochNietDan on July 22, 2008, 01:51:52 pm
Quote from: Ocean
Like /slap and /kill?
/slap is not limited, and /kill kills yourself so I don't understand how it may be used for administration abuse.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Sounder on July 22, 2008, 05:38:55 pm
Think they mean /akill e'l mean
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Standards on July 22, 2008, 06:58:37 pm
Quote from: admino
/slap is not limited, and /kill kills yourself so I don't understand how it may be used for administration abuse.
ROFL! omg that made my day LOL!
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Deflicted on July 25, 2008, 10:24:15 pm
Yeah I agree, WoS has grown popular, but it has also grown popular to the cheaters/hackers/DDoser's/etc... So I jsut use /ban because of the time I waste on people kicking, it's much easyer to ban and hope for the best. But sometimes it brings the worse. Like remember that time when WoS god DDoS'ed so bad it was down for like a week or 2? Also at that time almost ever server on sa-mp that was popular, got their hourly doses of DDoS.

Anyways, to sum up me.. I just ban. Plain and simple.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Oddisy on July 26, 2008, 12:38:05 pm
I love how the server has become so popular, but it sucks when theres 50 people and only 10 talk, or theres 50 and they all talk german or polish or something, i dont really know.

But yea, besides that its always fun ^^
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Oreo on July 26, 2008, 12:59:04 pm
Maybe we should talk to them like they are little children, here are some steps!

1. Get eye to eye
2. Ask them if they are okay in a calm soothing voice
3. Tell them that it's okay and you would really like it if they would stop
4. Let them know they need to stfu before you do something they will regret
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: lGraPhiXl on July 26, 2008, 01:42:22 pm
Hm, Maybe you guys could allow me to have administration if you don't mind. I noticed that sometimes the admins are not on or are afk when I'm still playing, and people tend to spam/hack when the admins are ever away... If I had admin, I would know what to do, I am not an idiot... I have tons of experiance as admin, do not make any idiotic choices, like unfairly banning someone, Most of you admins are what? Like 13 14? I am 15... Not to brag about it though... But if you guys or the owner agrees with me, then... go ahead if you want to give me the powers.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Deflicted on July 26, 2008, 03:14:42 pm
/slap lGraPhiXl            "admino":  /Ban lGraPhiXl

You might want to never ask for admin  Just a tip so that you don't get banned.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: lGraPhiXl on July 27, 2008, 06:28:06 am
I'm not trying to directly ask for admin, it's more of a way for asking admin and only using it when all the admins are not on the server/are afk. Then everyone gets crazy. And I see all this happening...
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: JaTochNietDan on July 27, 2008, 08:30:19 am
Quote from: lGraPhiXl
I'm not trying to directly ask for admin, it's more of a way for asking admin and only using it when all the admins are not on the server/are afk. Then everyone gets crazy. And I see all this happening...
Simple answer: No of course not, you must be dilliusional to think thats going to happen.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Standards on July 27, 2008, 04:27:31 pm
Quote from: lGraPhiXl
Most of you admins are what? Like 13 14? I am 15... Not to brag about it though...
Ugh age doesn't really make you a better admin.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Sounder on July 29, 2008, 12:20:13 am
Quote from: Standards
Ugh age doesn't really make you a better admin.

Most crew is around 16 years old.. I'm the oldest one playing, I'm 19
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Deflicted on July 30, 2008, 04:02:20 am
I'm one of the young admins. 13 And still young!
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: Nka19 on July 30, 2008, 07:33:50 pm
Quote from: lGraPhiXl
If I had admin, I would know what to do, I am not an idiot...

This is just like if you said that we are all idiots.
Title: Growing popularity and keeping control
Post by: CrossfireX on July 31, 2008, 08:10:23 am
Quote from: Sounder
I'm the oldest one playing, I'm 19
Got you beat by almost ten years.