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- Robin.:
Yea, now everybody is giving + to admins, and now people are going to do - on people they hate..

Well not really ... Its just gives you the advantage to give a + to the people that atleast post stuff that aint made out of 3 words and dont post just for the post counts , and am not sure why you should give + to an admin anyways :3

Useless update, why would you need a rep sys
And like Robin everyone will give it to friends and shit

Well, a bit useless update.
If you would at least display it as a bar not just numbers x/-x

And thanks for fixing las issues.

Just a little thing, the favicon is still isn't changed.

Its easy to see some players are getting + and some -
People should do it for reading a post, not watching a name.

But still I disagree with that because if you hate someone, its ''-'' and if someone is your good friend in WoS ''+''


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