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Author Topic: Interview of PtRvY  (Read 2688 times)

Offline Surge

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Interview of PtRvY
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:30:01 pm »
What made you start stunting?

Willzyyy and GTAmtb29's VC duo, later to become XSC's first stunt video and its birthdate, Intercept. Joined XSC one day later lol

Why'd you choose the name PtRvY?

Because it's cool, original, different, and actually has a meaning. You see, the letters are taken from my first and last name - PeTaR VelIckovic. PtRvI was kinda stupid and in my language I and Y sound the same so i replaced the I with a Y. There you go.

Which game did you originally start in?

VC lol, had no idea that SA had much better bail physics. I later realised that im much better in SA but yes, my first few videos were made in VC. As for the very first video, it was done in GTA3 and was modded lol.

So you chose San Andreas because it was easier or was there some other reason?

mostly because it was easier. Also because of the huge map and lots of spot opportunities lawl. But sure, like all of the noobs i done old stunts at first, 4-5 videos.

Speaking of noobs, what's your opinion of all the modders in San Andreas?

i say that modding and lying about it is actually the bad thing. Modding for fun, like making some Dust parodies or cjphonehome solos is perfectly fine with me. Actually, i say to them modders that i dont care (usually), because stunting is about fun and if its fun to mod for you, then do it, i don't mind. Howewer, to all modders out there that lie to everybody and still remain known as "clean" you will be busted one day.

Does all the modders that claim to be clean ever make you want to switch games or even quit?

Actually, no. I had thoughts about quitting many times, but modding in general was not the reason.

Has all the time you've spent stunting been worth it?

I feel that all the time i spent developing my original "grindwhore" style was totally worth it. Now i can actually enjoy my own videos and not only WH lol.\

What's your best stunt ever?

Eh, i usually ask others that, but you are the interviewer so i guess not lol. My personal favourite is a backflip2doublegrind, it was in Red Alert, and also the finisher of my best of 1st year.

Has being pro made you act differently, or affected anything you've said or done?

First of all, idk how would i define "pro". I guess its all down to that crappy tag you put by your name. SS was no exception. Naturally, we won the 2nd place on the GTAS forum awards best new crew (fuck you VR tongue.gif), so of course i felt "proish" or howewer you call it. Sure it affected my acting, i started being more relaxed and shit, the less people better than me, the less i have to suck up.

Who is your favorite stunter? (you can have more than one)

Thanks for that addition ^^ anyways, my favourite VC stunter would have to be Daffy, he was kinda my "idol" in those first 6-7 months lol. Then, after getting better myself i realised there are some others whose style i like very much. Some of them are Mewka, Sajtos, Aproxx, Sanandrepero and Bluedagger. Of course i got much much more.

Biggest influence?

In the beginning, definately Willzyyy. I kinda looked up to him in my "noob" days. He was very important to shaping my stunting personality. Other influences existed ofc, like Aproxx who made me change my style drastically after seeing his ownage grindz in ESU Reminiscent, or Rusch who inspired me to change my edit style (if we are talking bout editing anyway lol).

What's the best thing about stunting to you?

Stunting is, and will always be, about fun. Whoever doesnt think like that is addicted too much or is simply a freak lol.

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Re: Interview of PtRvY
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 05:29:34 am »
Nice read mate, thanks for sharing :)

Offline Ron_Dogg

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Re: Interview of PtRvY
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 07:00:34 pm »
Yeh, good stuff, Rowan. Tanks ;)
Compromise: The art of dividing a pie in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.  
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. ;)

Offline PtRvY

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Re: Interview of PtRvY
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2009, 07:58:45 am »
Thanks for posting this here surgey, result of pure boredom fellas ;P

I'm a fan of myself, you can be too:

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Re: Interview of PtRvY
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2009, 07:59:48 am »
Petar inspires me

Just the way he acts... it's a good guy