Hello thats my explain for "how i change my name in-game WoS".
1. First u go to "Profile" u see it on the left near the navigation.
2. U go to Game Account, there u klick "Settings" then u must to be login with your,
WoS Gamer account.
3. And then they show you your game account Profil, then there in the middle "Username".
4. Change "Username" into what you want to see the name in-game.
5. Klick on the bottum "save" then i'll saved.
6. Go to your SA:MP change "Name" in the Samp manager to what you have typed for "Username" in the forum.
7. Dobble klick on the WoS Server, start and they say "Login", login with your old Password !
8. You finished it, have fun .
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