World of Stunting

Off-Topic => Everything and Anything => Topic started by: midget on February 08, 2010, 01:50:57 am

Title: gaming rig help
Post by: midget on February 08, 2010, 01:50:57 am
hey i need help.... whats would be the best gamming rig for me?i want 2 play all games and have alot of fps on all games(sounds a bitselfish ay xD :wacko: )
can you please fill this out 4 me?

Hard Drive: 
Video Card: 
Sound Card: 
Mouse Surface: 
Operating System: 
Computer Case:

thnx to xfire for having that info for me to ask u fill out xD

Title: Re: gaming rig help
Post by: macress345 on February 08, 2010, 03:49:40 am
Can't help ya unless you say how much you're willing to spend. I could easily fill that out but it will probably be about $2500 worth of stuff.
Title: Re: gaming rig help
Post by: midget on February 08, 2010, 10:18:58 pm
yea im willing to pay that much or any amount. i play alot of games at night/when its too ot and vice versa
thanks in advance

Title: Re: gaming rig help
Post by: macress345 on February 08, 2010, 11:58:19 pm
yea im willing to pay that much or any amount. i play alot of games at night/when its too ot and vice versa
thanks in advance


If your willing to spend that much why don't you just go out and buy a pre-built gaming PC?
Title: Re: gaming rig help
Post by: midget on February 09, 2010, 01:40:13 am
lol its like a i dunno what to call it kinda a thing to go by really,like so i know what to look for or ask some one at a comp shop to make it.btw dont trouble yourself if you dont want to  :blink: