Windows 7 32 bit not beta
Service Pack3
When i first read this i thought he had mixed it up with something
i may know little about computers, but i knew that 32bit only supports up to 4GB...
Nvidia Geforce 350 GTS 2gb (i was upgrade it yesterday)
i dont know much about gfx cards existing or not, but i thought that theres certainly no need for a gfx card that new, even for a powerful pc (the 2GB in the end tells me its new, they dont make much old cards with 2GB vram, do they?
Pls tell me cuz all my life i want this game.
congratulations on your 1st birthday, better late than never
when i had finished reading the post, i knew that guy was 'trollin'
he even stated in one of his previous posts that he can run GTA IV well, and that he has problems with sa-mp and so on...
he just tried to show off and failed at it.