World of Stunting

Off-Topic => Everything and Anything => Topic started by: Sasquatch on January 26, 2010, 01:39:58 pm

Title: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Sasquatch on January 26, 2010, 01:39:58 pm
Ok guys here it is,im scared and i dont know can i run GTA IV on my PC.
My specs are:
Windows 7 32 bit not beta
Service Pack3
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU 4x3.50ghz.
Nvidia Geforce 350 GTS 2gb (i was upgrade it yesterday)
Pls tell me cuz all my life i want this game.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: macress345 on January 26, 2010, 02:30:34 pm
You would be able to run it if that was a real PC. Intel Core 2 Quad with DDR3 RAM? Not possible. 32 Bit OS with 8GB's of RAM? Who was the idiot who did that? Windows 7 Service Pack 3? We have to get the first two SP's out before that comes around. Nvidia 350GTS 2GB? That's not even a real card.... not even on paper.... maybe they made one with woodscrews again?

So to answer your question. No. You cannot run GTA IV on an imaginary PC.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Sasquatch on January 26, 2010, 02:44:00 pm
Ohh come on that PC is realy powerfull and good i dont know is it posible or not but i know this one costs about 3000euros.LOL
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: macress345 on January 26, 2010, 04:24:56 pm
Ohh come on that PC is realy powerfull and good i dont know is it posible or not but i know this one costs about 3000euros.LOL

I spend more time on tech websites than I do sleeping. I know that PC is non-existent and I have no idea why anyone would ask if an imaginary PC would run any game.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: X on January 26, 2010, 06:08:42 pm
Windows 7 SP3? FAIL

32 bit + 8GB DDR3 RAM when 32 bit only supports 4GB? FAIL

Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: X on January 26, 2010, 09:48:43 pm (
You misunderstand, for that to work, you would need to own the PC you want to test, and it would also need to exist :)
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Muki on January 27, 2010, 08:48:00 am
Windows 7 32 bit not beta
Service Pack3
When i first read this i thought he had mixed it up with something

i may know little about computers, but i knew that 32bit only supports up to 4GB...

Nvidia Geforce 350 GTS 2gb (i was upgrade it yesterday)
i dont know much about gfx cards existing or not, but i thought that theres certainly no need for a gfx card that new, even for a powerful pc (the 2GB in the end tells me its new, they dont make much old cards with 2GB vram, do they?

Pls tell me cuz all my life i want this game.
congratulations on your 1st birthday, better late than never

when i had finished reading the post, i knew that guy was 'trollin'
he even stated in one of his previous posts that he can run GTA IV well, and that he has problems with sa-mp and so on...
he just tried to show off and failed at it.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Sasquatch on January 27, 2010, 12:54:50 pm
Maybe in your countryes NOT but i know about Croatia alot.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: macress345 on January 27, 2010, 11:31:11 pm
Maybe in your countryes NOT but i know about Croatia alot.

That was what you said to me last time I said your PC wasn't reall except the country you used was Germany. Please stop trying to lie about something that everyone else obviously knows more about than you.
Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Nka19 on January 28, 2010, 03:54:11 am
Ok guys here it is,im scared and i dont know can i run GTA IV on my PC.
My specs are:
Windows 7 32 bit not beta
Service Pack3
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU 4x3.50ghz.
Nvidia Geforce 350 GTS 2gb (i was upgrade it yesterday)
Pls tell me cuz all my life i want this game.

Title: Re: Can i run GTA IV
Post by: Sasquatch on January 28, 2010, 01:53:41 pm
Mahhh i was just joking.My real specs are:
Windows Vista Bussines SP1
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU 2.88ghz
800GB Hard Disk
Nvidia Geforce 9800gt 1gb