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Author Topic: what the hell  (Read 10665 times)

Offline Rokas_Sabotilnik

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what the hell
« on: June 08, 2011, 01:06:53 pm »
In-Game Name:Rokas_Sabotilnik
Admin That Banned You:Ron_Dogg i think
Reason Given By Admin:hacking
Are You Sorry:no im not cause i didnt do anything. well im sorry for telling "Fuck this game" out loud ;D but that was just a slip of toungue cause i got happy for making a stunt and from nowhere it came.
Will you read and accept /rules?: have already
Extra Info: I dont know. Had a nice day stunting made lots of stunts that day. And in gang war we got  a stunt to make it on the lv arena. Tried many times and didnt work. battle finished still continued on. Couple of tries later just as i got it Ban for no reasson. Stunta was there with me and Kuperis_Wade if i remember correctly. they can both prove i didnt hack cause we all were trying the same stunt together. Maby have any proof or something cause i realy didnt hack. First of all what would be the reason of hacking when practicing a stunt? to make myself feel happy or what? i dont get it. If i wanted to hack i would well i dont know try killing everyone or something like that cause i realy dont find a purpose while stunting. -.-

Offline Ron_Dogg

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Re: what the hell
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2011, 02:18:52 pm »
Greetings Rokas_Sabotilnik:

Well, here's what i saw while spectating you for at least 20 minutes since getting suspicions from other players as to your performance level:

While in stuntwars of the baseball stadium roof, your bike with you on it did the bump and slowly arced down, just like everyone else's bike was doing. Bump, fall short, slow arc towards the ground. But not all the time.

After the stunt war was finished you went back to do the stunt again and another two players were there to do the same stunt. All was good until the next stunt war started. The others left (presumably to enter the new stuntwar so your alibi is shot right there) but you stayed. It was at that point that i witnessed you doing the bump, but instead of slowly going down with gravity, you were going up in small increments until finally you were on top.  I had witnessed you doing this earlier in the stuntwar, but you never did it too much as to raise too much suspicion and you often waited and let the others go ahead and respawn before you even bumped. So I kept my eye on you. You seem to be able to rad alright, but even with the freeway stunt you did not seem to have any talent to complete it. But i digress. What i saw was you cheating, plain and simple.

I have absolutely no idea what's behind your motives for doing such a thing and frankly, I don't care. I know this was not lag related and as i said before, i watched you for quite some time and was giving you the benefit of the doubt, even when I saw you lightly boost yourself up while in the last stuntwar. I'm not the kind of person who takes well to being given the old song and dance. I know what I saw.

I will unban you for this infraction but you better believe me when i say that the entire admin staff and I will be keeping a close eye on you.



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