World of Stunting

Support => Ban Appeal. => Topic started by: normanko on January 06, 2010, 06:45:44 am

Title: Pls
Post by: normanko on January 06, 2010, 06:45:44 am
InGameName: normanko
Age: 18
Admin That Banned You: IDK
Are You Sorry: Yes Im sorry for what I have done.
Will you read and accept rules: Yes
Extra Info: Im really sorry. Im sorry for doing this and I wont do it again.
Title: Re: Pls
Post by: Splinetic on January 06, 2010, 06:53:41 am
Hello normanko,

Banlist says that I have banned you just few moments ago, but I don't remember seeing you in game. And I sure don't remember that I have banned you. Sorry for this misunderstanding, you have been unbanned.

Have a nice day!
