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Author Topic: Mathias_Larsen's Ban Appeal  (Read 1088 times)

Offline Mathias_Larsen

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Mathias_Larsen's Ban Appeal
« on: November 13, 2009, 06:22:39 am »
In-GameName: Mathias_Larsen
Age: 18
Admin That Banned You: SpliNetiC
Reason Given By Admin: Hacks
Are You Sorry: Yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes
Extra Info: Im sorry for this. I know i hacked, and i tho i couldt hide it. But i fell in love with this server :(
May i please have a unban ?

Offline Splinetic

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Re: Mathias_Larsen's Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 07:30:23 am »
Hello Mathias_Larsen,

I haven't seen you on our server before, and you probably didn't think about the consquences when you hacked. Please read /rules and Terms of Service, and remember, that if I see you hacking on server again, your ban might be permanent!

Quote from: WorldOfStunt.com
Hacking is a terrible act, not because of what you do with the hack, but because of what you are supporting by downloading the hack. By downloading a hack and using it, you are supporting the person that made that hack, who will make more hacks. In some cases, these hackers have been known to generate whats known as a "Botnet", which is a network of computers that can be controlled remotely, usually by a small group or even one person, this group/person can then use this net to attack servers! How would you feel if your SA-MP server was attacked? Well by downloading hacks, you are actually supporting these hackers by helping them gain more confidence that the damage they are doing is right and that they should try and do even more. So for the sake of the game you love, please, do not download and use hacks in ANY server in ANY game. It can lead to terrible concequences and we are extremely strict on hackers in our server, most of the time if you are caught, you will be banned instantly without any warning, and if you decide to make a ban appeal, you will recieve a much lower chance of getting back into the server, ever again.


Have a nice day!
