Admin That Banned You:Mattz
Reason Given By Admin: "Hacks" But i did not hack.
Are You Sorry:I don't know why i should be.
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes,of course.
Extra Info: Okey, Mattz, when i was "hacking" in that SW, you banned me for rollhopping. Do you know what it is? Anyways, i was just rollhopping, not hacking. I swear. I like WoS so much that i could never hack there. But Ron_Dogg, do you know how annoying is when someone banns you without reason? I was just rollhopping. And one thing, Mattz and other admins. At that SW the zone was my own zone, so i'd like to get it back because i was just winning the SW before Mattz banned me. Please unban me. Thanks. (the zone in sw was 48 at the San Fierro's boat)