Support > Ban Appeal.

hey, I need a ban please


In-Game Name: Basiumcake...
Age:100( old man)
Admin That Banned You:MrFreaks
Reason Given By Admin: Ban evasion
Are You Sorry: No, Why should I, did I do something hurtful? screw your butt, british dumbcrap
Will you read and accept /rules?: Never since i'm banned :)
Extra Info:Whore is your Grand mom, though your life is a garbage, why do you shall to make sex?
Ban me :)

Hello basium,

Assuming the content of your ban appeal, I have decided that you are not taking your ban appeal seriously, so your appeal has been rejected. Just so you know I know some old people that are in their 60s and they are 50x more mature than you. Hopefully you can learn to take your ban appeals more seriously in the future, that's the only way any of us will even consider unbanning you.


Hello Basium,

Due to the immature content of your ban appeal, it has been rejected. You may appeal in two weeks, hopefully it will be more mature.

Edit : JJT17 As I banned you first and i warned you before about racist behaviour, Due to the lack of respect you showed towards my friend MrBrooks and again being racist you are banned for a MONTH Appeal on 17th July 2011: JJT17

MrBrooks. (or as you call me "MrFreaks")


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