World of Stunting

Support => Ban Appeal. => Topic started by: guns_roses on February 18, 2010, 08:34:23 am

Title: guns_roses ban appeal
Post by: guns_roses on February 18, 2010, 08:34:23 am
In-GameName: guns_roses
Age: 13
Admin That Banned You: SpliNetiC
Reason Given By Admin: Hacks.
Are You Sorry: yes, it was just a joke, but yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes
Extra Info: i didnt need the *****it mod for cheat, was just for fun, im sorry

i dont have the samp for a problem, but in few days i will garet again and i want go to this server again
Title: Re: guns_roses ban appeal
Post by: Ron_Dogg on February 18, 2010, 03:11:25 pm
Hello guns_roses:

I don't think that you appreciate the fact that hacking is a very harmful offence at World of Stunting. It is not a JOKE, as you so eloquently put it.

Also, I have no idea why you have spammed my personal messages box with your ban appeal. This type of abuse to get the attention of an admin is unacceptable.

From what I can understand in the last sentence of your ban appeal, your SA-MP is not functioning at the moment but you will have it running again in a few days and you seem to expect to be unbanned by the time this occurs. You are wrong.

Since you made it my business to reply to your ban appeal by spamming my inbox of my personal messages, I will extend your ban for 1 month from today.

You may reapply for a ban appeal on March 18, 2010 at which time the appropriate administrator (SpliNetiC) will decide if you will be unbanned

Ban Appeal Denied. Apply again in one month.

