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Author Topic: Banneeedddzoooorzzzzzzz  (Read 937 times)

Offline gesh

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« on: October 21, 2009, 11:53:34 am »
In-GameName: gesh

Age: 14 or 15 or 16 cant remember.. somethin like dat

Admin That Banned You: Ron_Dawg or something

Reason Given By Admin: advertising

Are You Sorry: yes im sorry to everyone im sorry to my father and mother for being such a shit bag im sorry to my brother for tormenting him im sorry to my nan and grandad for calling them old and wrinkly when i was 4 im sorry to my arm for breaking it im sorry to my chair for breaking its arm and im sorry to my light for smashing it earlier and im sorry for my pc screen because i cracked it by accident and im sorry to my computer case becus i broke it in half and im sorry to my television for smashing it when it didnt work and im sorry to my clothes for making them smell bad  and im sorry to my hair for getting it cut and im sorry to my bedding for getting it dirty and im sorry to my old friends for being too much of a friend and im sorry to jesus for not believing hes real and im sorry to blobby for destroying my blobby house and im sorry to my plasma globe for smashing it and im sorry to my television for showing the shit that i watch and im sorry to my stairs for hitting them and im sorry to my banister for painting it pink and im sorry to my toilet for doing a shit in it and im sorry to my remote control car for smashing it into a wall and im sorry to my jeans for getting a hole in them and im sorry to my head for thinking such shit and im sorry to the rules for breaking them and im sorry to americans for calling them arrogant (even tho they kinda are sometimes like everyone) and im sorry to jesus for being such a waste of human skin [BREATHE] [FULLSTOP] [EXCLAMATION MARK] .

Will you read and accept /rules?: yess i will i promise rules that ill be nice to you i promise

Extra Info: cutting your wrists makes you feel better

Offline Nka19

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Re: Banneeedddzoooorzzzzzzz
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 12:06:12 pm »
Hello gesh

You're clearly showing that you're not serious and that your ban appeal is a joke.

Denied. Please, try again.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 09:19:32 pm by Nka19 »