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Author Topic: Banned unrighteously  (Read 2390 times)

Offline kungfool23

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Banned unrighteously
« on: August 08, 2008, 07:20:50 pm »
In-Game Name: [DSC]RunDmC
Age: 13
Admin That Banned me: Stumpy (in a bad mood)
Am I sorry: No I'm not sorry I didn't do anything to get banned. I am sorry I stayed there and put up with Stumpy's "Bad Mood"
Will I read and accept the rules: I read them and nothing says I can't retalliate against an admin

Quotes: At first I saw A player named Rui
Me: Um Admin rui is using cheats
Rui: no
Admin: /report him
Me: /report rui is using an invisible bike
Admin: It's a glitch you ignorant retard
*I tell admin I won't put up with his sh*t and me and admin start to fight, I tell him that it's like managing a store you just can't jump on people because your in a bad mood or no one will come to your store.
*Atleast that's what I was trying to say before he banned me for nothing I didn't even see a reason on the ban.

I might just tell a couple of people my story, so they will watch out. Maybe Stumpy is keeping you from being official.

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Offline macress345

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Banned unrighteously
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 07:49:25 pm »
First of all you left some stuff out of that, second I told you to shutup because I was in a bad mood and I didnt wanna deal with you but you decided to jaberr on n on like some little kid would.

Unbanned though.