World of Stunting

Support => Ban Appeal. => Topic started by: No1Fear on March 07, 2010, 02:15:44 pm

Title: Ban Appeal Jimmy_Smith
Post by: No1Fear on March 07, 2010, 02:15:44 pm
In-GameName: Jimmy_Smith (
Age: 17
Admin That Banned You: BrendonSX
Reason Given By Admin: Hacks
Are You Sorry: Yes I'm very sorry for what I have done.
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes !
Extra Info: I am from Russia, so once again deeply apologize for the fact that someone prevented. I just wanted to show off in front of the player (death123), for which he was banned by the administrator BrendonSX (if the mistakes in the writing of Nick - sorry).I sit now, in the morning with an interpreter and I am writing this message (I'm English I do not very well ...). I am very sorry for his act - namely, the advantage over other players - the rapid acceleration of the machine. Excuse me please, and unban me if you see fit ... Excuse me again. : (
Title: Re: Ban Appeal Jimmy_Smith
Post by: Brosch91 on March 07, 2010, 02:30:54 pm
Hello Jimmy_Smith,

Please don't hack again as it will result in being banned for a year.  Please read the Terms of Service and make sure you understand it.
