World of Stunting

Support => Ban Appeal. => Topic started by: hunt120 on August 30, 2008, 08:28:41 am

Title: Ban Appeal
Post by: hunt120 on August 30, 2008, 08:28:41 am
In-GameName: omar66766 or omar6676
Admin That Banned You: stumpy/nka17
Reason Given By Admin: immature
Are You Sorry: yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes
Extra Info: ok, so im srry to admins(stumpy/nka17) because my small bro younger than me came to my pc and started playing world of stunting, den after like 30 mins he got crazy and started to say bad words to admins, den after he got banned from my pc, he went to his pc and started join the server again and saying bad words and i dont know wht happen den, cause he was in his pc, because i had a security to whts goin on my pc. so... my srry to the admins stumpy and nka17 and i hope dis doesn't happen in da future plus my name in WoS is hunt120.
Title: Ban Appeal
Post by: macress345 on August 30, 2008, 09:36:44 am
Hmmmmm this kinda stuff is really hard to believe......... but I know this kinda thing does actually happen a lot so......

Unbanned for me.
Title: Ban Appeal
Post by: Nka19 on August 30, 2008, 01:34:28 pm
I hope that this is true what you are saying... well if it is, make sure that this will not happened again, next time I recomanded to you to use some desktop lock programs so nobody can access your computer while you are gone.

You can be unbanned. Enjoy your stay on our server and make sure to not brake any rules in the future.
Title: Ban Appeal
Post by: JaTochNietDan on August 30, 2008, 02:23:36 pm
Ban Appeal processed, I also find it odd how your "brother" managed to ban evade so much without you noticing that he must have been turning the router off and on again. But the decision was made by Stumpy and Nka17 so i'm not going to ask questions.