Admin That Banned You: Mattz
Reason Given By Admin: Spam
Are You Sorry: Yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes.
Extra Info:
Alrgiht, so i've been having fun with my friends in Windows Live Messanger and we were talking about funny nicknames and all that,
Then, when they went to the server i entered as "SaNiiXFAN" To laugh with SaNiiX,
Then i entered with other nicknames until i began to go too far, and acted immaturely,
I entered with the name "kick_me" just as a joke, and i, again, went too far with that joke,
I wrote "kick me" and once again 10 seconds later, and again 10 second after that, (3 times only)
The next thing i saw, was Mattz banning me for this reason: Spam.
I realise that i had acted very immaturely and i should'nt have entered the game with such nicknames.
I apologize, and i have learned my lesson.
The decision is not mine, and i am sorry for my immature behavior.