Personally, I think you should extend it. He's flaming you on xfire. Let me post one of the things.
Kyle[EAGLES]: Of all people to choose my "verdict" it had to be chip..
Kyle[EAGLES]: sigh
Surge: He banned you.
Surge: He
Kyle[EAGLES]: yeah
Kyle[EAGLES]: I know
Kyle[EAGLES]: "of all people to ban me"
Surge: He's the only person who could of decided.
Kyle[EAGLES]: Yeah
Kyle[EAGLES]: and then when he forgets.
Kyle[EAGLES]: Fuck him
Kyle[EAGLES]: That's bs
Surge: ....
Kyle[EAGLES]: Everybody else gets off easy
Kyle[EAGLES]: "Accepted"
Kyle[EAGLES]: "stop spamming"
Kyle[EAGLES]: "we'll let you back in now"
Kyle[EAGLES]: Yeah uhh
Kyle[EAGLES]: ..
Surge: All admins do stuff differently.
Kyle[EAGLES]: hmm
Kyle[EAGLES]: People who hack get back in the next day
Kyle[EAGLES]: Funny.
Surge: Evidentally you gave them a lot of problems.
Kyle[EAGLES]: Oh
Kyle[EAGLES]: I avoided mute
Kyle[EAGLES]: hmm
Kyle[EAGLES]: then I talked shit to admins
Kyle[EAGLES]: hmm what else
Surge: Avoiding a mute is instantly bannable.
Kyle[EAGLES]: help me out here?
Kyle[EAGLES]: What else
Surge: Hm.
Kyle[EAGLES]: shit talking
Kyle[EAGLES]: flaming
Kyle[EAGLES]: evading
Kyle[EAGLES]: That's pretty much it
Kyle[EAGLES]: Cause they were being douchebag
Kyle[EAGLES]: Oh
Kyle[EAGLES]: I get murdered for supposedly dming a guy
Kyle[EAGLES]: Then they tell ME to get my facts straight
Kyle[EAGLES]: Like I said
Kyle[EAGLES]: People who hack get back in the next fuckin day
Surge: Like I said.
Kyle[EAGLES]: lol
Kyle[EAGLES]: yeah
Kyle[EAGLES]: they do it differently
Surge: All admins do stuff differently.
Surge: Yes.
Surge: Now, you caused tons of problems.
Surge: You're lucky you got off easy.