February 23, 2025, 03:52:49 pm

Author Topic: Ban Appal For contheone(Someone elses account but my mate can't get on the page)  (Read 1370 times)

Offline Adamm

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Before taking action on replying this topic. I do not no his password. I am not a administrator, So I could not ban him :)

In-GameName: contheone
Age: 14
Admin That Banned You: Spam bot (thats what he told me.)
Reason Given By Admin: Spamming the message board (chat board)
Are You Sorry: (Mate) Yes i am. Really sorry. Plus if i got banned i woulden't be able to hang out with "Adamm" because he only go's on this server. So yes REALLY REALLY SORRY!!!
Will you read and accept /rules?: (mate) I read them before i spawned. But coulden't understand most of it (read below)
Extra Info: (Me) Noing everyone. Some people are new to games, He is new to Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (All Of GTA Games Actually) and didn't have a clue what to do, maybe just let him off once and then give him a perm bann... he is not worried about getting a perm ban after a normal ban after he no's now what he's done and if he does it again he gets a KaaaBooommmm in the face. But I will try to tell him alot easier what he's looking at (text) . He has got abit of a reading disability and can't really understand what everything says so if you didn't give a f**k what i was on about now you do :)  Do you also no how long the ban is?

Also, just as a add on.
Do you no when the applications are going to be open for administrators.
Or are they all full and they won't be opening for sometime long.


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Regarding the

Also, just as a add on.
Do you no when the applications are going to be open for administrators.
Or are they all full and they won't be opening for sometime long.

Never, they have never been open, there never have been applications, there never will be as simple as that.