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Author Topic: 1DJC821 ban apeal (sorry about it)  (Read 1379 times)

Offline 1DJC821

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1DJC821 ban apeal (sorry about it)
« on: November 26, 2009, 10:18:49 pm »
In-GameName: 1DJC821
Admin That Banned You: Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin: hacks
Are You Sorry: yes, yes I am very sorry for the mistake
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes and again sorry
Extra Info: I received the copy of GTA SA from my friend James. He came to my house this morning and I wanted to show him this server. (he plays mostly dm servers, but i like more of stunt) I joined the battle and explained to him what you have to do to take over a territory. He said that he could do it faster than me so i let him. Then he opened the pause menu and put a marker on the same location as the stunt marker was. After that he pushed something and then the screen went black and then it came back and he was on the roof. I stopped him so he did not take over the territory but before i could jump down frome the roof i was already banned. So yes I think he did hack but i still can't figure out how. (I've been messing around on offline play trying to find out how because he won't tell me) And don't worry, I am not letting him on my computer again. Not to suck up, but i do enjoy all the commands and pre-made maps you have installed. 

P.S. if you could message me/email on how to erase the hacks, if there is a way, I would greatly appreciate it

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Re: 1DJC821 ban apeal (sorry about it)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2009, 03:35:54 am »
Hello 1DJC821,

It could have been a bug exploit and not a hack. As it sounds like a bug exploit. However either way you know yourself that it's unacceptable and even common sense shows that you're not allowed to do that.

However I will accept your appeal now and hope that it does not happen again.